eBooking.rs | News from the tourism of Serbia, the latest news eBooking.rs

Tradicionalno otvaranje nove ski sezone 2023/2024. na Kopaoniku

Tradicionalno otvaranje nove ski sezone 2023/2024. na čuvenom Kopaoniku već je uveliko planirano i očekuje se da će se održati u periodu od 7. do 10. decembra 2023. godine. Ova manifestacija, poznata kao Ski Opening Kopaonik, već je postala tradicija koja privlači sve veći broj posetilaca iz celog...

29 November 2023 4430 views

Od 1. januara 2024.god stiže nova pomoć države! Novih 500.000 vaučera za odmor u Srbiji

Nova godina donosi dobre vesti za sve ljubitelje putovanja u Srbiji! Od 1. januara, građani će imati priliku da se prijave za novih 500.000 vaučera za odmor koji će biti dostupni. Predsednik Srbije, Aleksandar Vučić, nedavno je najavio ovu incijativu, uspešno ostvarenu u saradnji sa Vladom. Ova...

20 November 2023 6791 views

Uroš Kandić: We are halfway to our goal in wellness tourism!

Progress in the field of tourism in Serbia has seen a new dawn, but according to the words of Uroš Kandić, State Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism and Youth, we are only halfway there. Regardless of the significant progress achieved in the wellness and spa tourism during the last ten years, there...

11 October 2023 4460 views

The hosts from Kablar will have the opportunity to get subsidies for the development of rural tourism.

When it comes to the charms of rural life, nothing can replace the experience of staying in authentic households of our provinces. Minister Memić has recognized this need and decided to make it visible in a different way. The vision of transforming the idyllic Kablar Mountain into romantic villages...

6 October 2023 4431 views

Why eBooking Serbia?

Today, we want to tell you everything you need to know about the online booking system eBooking Serbia. We were recently guests on the show Novo Jutro on RTV Pink, where we had the opportunity to present this fantastic accommodation reservation system. If you're wondering why you should use eBooking...

13 September 2023 4729 views